

INDIANAPOLIS – Inflation has impacted all aspects of the American economy over recent months. Hoosiers are finally starting to see some relief, with gas prices inching downwards from record highs.

Congressman André Carson (D-IN-7) and Senator Mike Braun (R) recently sat down for an upcoming town hall, Your Money IN Focus. Senator Braun says the White House needs to be doing more to help Americans financially, from the pump to grocery store shelves.

“It took a long time to upend the economy, and when you let inflation out of the bag, it is hard to tamp down,” Sen. Braun said.

Rep. Carson pointed to recent jobs numbers when describing the nation’s pandemic recovery. 

“I think it’s important to note that in the midst of high inflation, the U.S. created 372,000 jobs just last month,” Rep. Carson said. “We’ve recovered the total number of private sector jobs lost since the beginning of the pandemic.”

Looking more into the nation’s economy, Sen. Braun fears there might be widespread damage before prices go down. 

“I think what’s mostly going to lower prices is the fact that, maybe, we’ve generated conditions for a recession,” Sen. Braun said. 

Rep. Carson thinks the pandemic revealed a lot of concerning aspects about the American economy, and believes we can come together to combat future economic problems.

“The pandemic… really unearthed a lot of pain, concern, and anxiety about the future of our country,” Rep. Carson said. “Let’s get us back to being American.”

Watch more from Sen. Braun and Rep. Carson in the video above. 

And watch more during our Your Money IN Focus Town Hall this coming Wednesday night at 7:00 pm on CBS4 and FOX59. You can also watch online on our website.
