

Sen. Mike Braun, R-Ind., told “War Room: Impeachment” live on Newsmax TV on Tuesday that Democrats only brought two articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump because “the case is weak.”

He told co-hosts Steve Bannon, Jason Miller, and Raheem Kassam that the articles for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress merely reflected “sunk costs.”

“They’ve put so much time and effort into it, that is why they’re going through with it,” the first-term Braun, 65, told the hosts.

Referring to conclusions put forth by Russia special counsel Robert Mueller’s report, Braun said: “When there was a plethora of different possibilities for articles of impeachment, they’re now down to two.

“It’s just going to give more evidence that they’re searching for straws here,” he said of the announced impeachment articles. “They’re running out of time — and they’re running out of good reasons.

“Here is an easy calculation on their part,” Braun concluded. “We gotta go fewer rather than more, because the case is weak.”
