
Over 10 million illegal migrants have entered the US under the Biden administration, with 1.7 million being


The continual growing crisis at the southern border has become one of the top concerns for Americans. Just last month, there was upward of 300,000 migrant encounters, a historical record for crossing in single month.

GOP lawmakers are holding DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas accountable. They are pushing for the impeachment of Mayorkas after years of failing to secure the border.

Sen. Mike Braun believes that the Biden Administration is running out of reasons why the border crisis is a disaster and Mayorkas could be their scape goat.

“They’re at the point where someone is going to have to be the sacrificial lamb in this.”

Braun spoke on the floor moments after he joined the Hammer and Nigel show.

The impeachment hearing on Wednesday will be held by the House Homeland Security Committee. If Mayorkas is voted out it would be the first Cabinet secretary to be impeached in nearly 150 years. 
