

Sen. Mike Braun, R-Ind., argued Biden’s student loan handout is another “crazy executive order” that will increase the nation’s debt, telling “Varney & Co.” that school choice and better high school education will decrease the “runaway” costs of education.  

MIKE BRAUN: We’ve got to have more choices. It’s got to be more competitive. It’s got to be disruptional, postsecondary. Education is the cost of a starter home, if not more, to get through it, and the other place, a better high school education, that is value. Instead of stigmatizing pathways, they give us the jobs we really need, like trade, heating and air, a lot of this stuff that goes begging that you’ll get paid $30 an hour out of the gate.              

Let’s teach real-life skills in high school, not everybody is going to be an astronaut or heart surgeon. We need to get a better education, so we don’t have to spend so much postsecondary. You do those two things, it’ll bring [education] back out of high altitudes of too much money, and think of all the parents that have had a graduate or two back in the basement that are now going to be listening to good ideas that are practical, and we’ve got them back in the state like Indiana. We’ve been working on those things.  

