

WASHINGTON — Congress is on the clock to pass a spending bill to avoid a government shutdown, but lawmakers on both sides of the aisle appear poised to push through a new long-term spending deal soon.
Sen. Mike Braun of Indiana is not happy about the way Congress is choosing to fund the federal government. He spoke on the Senate floor about how much the government continues to spend.
“Why would Republicans go along with a huge spending bill like this one that’s happened every year since I’ve been here,” Braun said. “No budgeting, no appropriations that even an appropriator, like myself, can’t look at, because it’s done behind closed doors.”
Braun has been a leading voice of fiscal conservatism in the U.S. Senate since being elected in 2018. He said that Congress continues to “kick the can” down the road on what he’s called a spending problem.
He also said the next Congress should be the ones to figure out the government’s long-term spending plan. Republicans are set to retake control of the House in the next Congress.
“It’s a slap in the face of voters to let the outgoing House majority set the agenda for the next ten months,” said Braun. “We shouldn’t fund the government with huge omnibus bills in the first place and we shouldn’t give current Speaker Pelosi a going away present when she’s been part of the process all these years.”
Braun wants only a short-term spending plan passed to get to the next Congress.
That’s unlikely to happen as bother Democrat and Republican leaders in the Senate announced on Tuesday that they have a tentative deal on a long-term spending plan, which includes $858 billion in defense spending, according to Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell.
