
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Mike Braun and Senator Rick Scott’s plan to prevent Congress from being paid without passing a budget was successfully added to the Government Shutdown Accountability Act by Senator Rick Scott today, clearing committee in the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs meeting.

Senator Braun and Senator Scott originally introduced the No Budget, No Pay Act in January: Senator Braun’s first piece of legislation. 

“In the real world nobody gets rewarded for not doing their jobs, and today’s victory for No Budget No Pay is a big step toward pulling Washington out of la-la land and getting Congress working for the American people again. I’m proud to join fellow job creator Senator Rick Scott in moving the ball down the field for this legislation, because there are consequences businesses and families when they don’t make a budget and it’s time we hold Washington to the same standard.”- Senator Mike Braun

“If members of Congress cannot work together to pass a budget, they should not be getting paid. It’s pretty simple. If we can’t do our jobs, we shouldn’t get a taxpayer-funded salary. My No Budget, No Pay amendment simply requires Congress to pass an annual budget and meet appropriations bill deadlines, or forgo their own salaries until the job is done. I’m glad my common-sense amendment passed today, and I urge all Senators who voted no today to re-consider when this legislation gets to the floor. There is no reason members of Congress should be held to a different standard than American families and businesses across the nation. Accountability shouldn’t be controversial.” – Senator Rick Scott 

