
Organizations Supporting GCSA

Organizations and companies supporting the Growing Climate Solutions Act

WASHINGTON – This week, U.S. Senator Mike Braun (R-IN), Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) reintroduced the bipartisan Growing Climate Solutions Act, which will break down barriers for farmers and foresters interested in participating in carbon markets so they can be rewarded for climate-smart practices. The bill has broad, bipartisan support from 42 Senators and over 70 agricultural and environmental organizations. Today, the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry will consider advancing the legislation at a business meeting.


“Iowa’s hardworking farmers continue to lead the way on conservation, and they’ve already made tremendous strides in practicing responsible stewardship of their land and farm while promoting a clean environment,” said Senator Ernst, ranking member of the Senate Agriculture Subcommittee on Rural Development and Energy. “Carbon credit markets provide our ag community with an avenue to capitalize on their ongoing commitment to sustainable farming, and it’s critical that we dissolve any obstacles standing in the way of this untapped potential. That’s why I’m proud to support this bipartisan effort to reduce barriers for Iowa farmers looking to enter carbon credit markets and adopt climate-smart conservation practices.”

“Climate change is among our most pressing global challenges, and our farmers and foresters can play a critical role in our response,” said Senator Chris Coons, co-chair of the Senate Climate Solutions Caucus. “The Growing Climate Solutions Act is an example of how we can bring everyone to the table to find common ground on solutions that will protect our environment and combat climate change. I look forward to working with Senators Braun, Stabenow, and my colleagues to advance it into law.”

“I am proud to join my colleagues in introducing this common-sense bipartisan proposal, which will inform farmers, ranchers, and foresters how to navigate around the barriers-to-entry that have historically prevented them from accessing voluntary environmental mitigation credit markets,” Senator Marco Rubio said. “This common-sense proposal will assist agriculture stakeholders in identifying alternative sources of income, while at the same time empowering them to pursue efforts to restore ecosystems including wetlands and forests, mitigate environmental impacts, and improve water quality. As a member of the Climate Solutions Caucus, I look forward to working with caucus co-chair, Senator Braun, to advance this legislation.”

“Time and again I hear from farmers across Colorado concerned that climate change is going to make it more difficult for them to pass down their operations to the next generation,” said Senator Michael Bennet. “We must tackle the climate challenge, in part by ensuring that farmers, ranchers, and foresters have the opportunity to be a part of the solution. The Growing Climate Solutions Act is an important step toward that goal and I look forward with working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to get this across the finish line.”

“Foresters, farmers, and ranchers are good stewards of our farm and timberlands, already possessing the skills and characteristics to help the environment on which their livelihoods depend.  This legislation represents a solid plan to give them access to carbon credit markets and benefit economically from their good work,” Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith said. “We have very strong voluntary participation in existing federal conservation programs in Mississippi.  Our strong agriculture sector and forests make improving access to the carbon credit markets a smart move.”

“The agricultural community has a vital role to play in addressing climate change. By increasing access to the voluntary carbon credit market, our legislation will help reduce confusion and improve information for farmers and ranchers looking to implement practices that capture carbon, reduce emissions, improve soil health, and empower them in their stewardship of the land. I’m proud to join my colleagues in this effort and look forward to our continued work on the Bipartisan Climate Solutions Caucus,” said Senator Mitt Romney.

“The Growing Climate Solutions Act will help Hoosier farmers navigate the emerging activity in carbon markets.  This bill prioritizes the needs of agriculture in climate efforts, and I’m glad to partner with my colleague from Indiana in supporting both our rural communities and the environment,” said Senator Todd Young.

“The Growing Climate Solutions Act is a meaningful step toward accomplishing the often-contentious goal of preserving and maintaining our natural environment without relying on heavy-handed federal mandates.  Idaho is a national leader in the use of clean, renewable power, and this legislation allows Idaho’s farmers and forest land owners to more easily access private, voluntary carbon markets and be rewarded for climate-smart practices.  I continue to support policies like this that protect ecological health, facilitate sustainable and multiple use of our public lands, and incentivize the proper stewardship of private property,” said Senator Mike Crapo.

“We believe that farmers, ranchers, and producers are the mainstay of the agriculture industry and play an essential role in reducing global greenhouse gas emissions,” said John R. Tyson, Chief Sustainability Officer at Tyson Foods. “The Growing Climate Solutions Act of 2021 is a great move in the right direction, and we commend the bipartisan work to address climate change”.

“Expanding the natural carbon sequestration potential of America’s agricultural sector represents one of the best opportunities for real climate action. The Growing Climate Solutions Act will empower America’s farmers and ranchers to build on their legacy of environmental stewardship by leading the fight against climate change. The American Conservation Coalition thanks Senator Braun and Senator Stabenow for their leadership and strong commitment to bipartisan climate solutions,” said American Conservation Coalition Vice President of Government Affairs Quill Robinson

“The entire agriculture community, including the seed industry, has a critical role to play in driving breakthrough solutions to address climate change and other pressing challenges facing the future of our planet. We applaud the bipartisan efforts led by Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) and Sen. Mike Braun (R-Ind.), as well as Ranking Member John Boozman (R-Ark.) who worked to ensure farmers have a prominent seat at the table when it comes to climate policies,” said Andy LaVigne, President and CEO of the American Seed Trade Association

“America’s sheep producers have long supported healthy ranges and good stewardship of our nation’s vast natural resources. Sheep grazing and wool production sequester carbon, manage vegetation, improve wildlife habitat and enhance rangeland systems. The Growing Climate Solutions Act provides a framework to recognize our producers’ efforts, while reducing barriers for them to participate in new and innovative markets. We greatly apprecaite the bipartisan approach and the broad support that Senators Stabenow and Braun have been able to get behind this initiative,” said Susan Shultz, President of the American Sheep Industry Association

“America’s sugar farmers are dedicated to advancing climate-smart policies and support efforts to dismantle technical barriers that impede the ability for farmers to voluntarily participate in carbon markets. The bipartisan Growing Climate Solutions Act is an important step forward and the American Sugar Alliance applauds its reintroduction. We appreciate Senate Agriculture Committee Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) and Sen. Mike Braun (R-Ind.) for their work with Sen. John Boozman (R-Ark.) to improve this legislation and ensure it helps rural America further achieve its climate goals. A number of farmer-friendly changes have been added to the Growing Climate Solutions Act to achieve funding needs without reopening the Farm Bill or otherwise affecting the existing funding of farm and conservation programs. Importantly, this legislation has already garnered support from a bipartisan group of senators who represent a broad cross-section of American agriculture,” said the American Sugar Alliance

“This legislation is at the heart of everything we fight for at BIO and proves that climate action and economic growth can go hand in hand. By helping our agricultural producers solve the technical entry barriers to carbon markets, this bill will encourage farmers and ranchers to use biotechnology breakthroughs to reduce emissions and deploy their land in the fight against climate change. It will bring greater value to the biobased economy by allowing the manufacturers of biobased chemicals, plastics, food, animal feed, and everyday materials, to reliably demonstrate their true environmental benefit, from farm to consumer. Because of the significant positive impact the legislation will have for American farmers, rural economies, and our planet, BIO supports and applauds Senators Mike Braun (R-IN) and Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) for their leadership in introducing the bipartisan Growing Climate Solutions Act,” said Dr. Michelle McMurry-Heath, President and CEO of the Biotechnology Innovation Organization

“BPC Action commends Sen. Mike Braun (R-IN), Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) and the multiple co-sponsors on both sides of the aisle for the introduction of the Growing Climate Solutions Act of 2021.  BPC Action looks forward to working with Congress to pass this bipartisan bill that takes an important step forward in unlocking the potential within U.S. agriculture and forestry to serve as a critical climate solution,” said Michele Stockwell, Executive Director of Bipartisan Policy Center Action

“Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health is pleased to support the Growing Climate Solutions Act. We have long been committed to the well-being of people and animals and are dedicated to contributing to a more sustainable future for all. We believe this legislation takes an important step to support sustainability and to increase profitability for producers,” said Randolph Legg, President and Head of Commercial Business, Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health USA Inc.

“I am grateful to see the bipartisan work of the Climate Solutions Caucus on creative climate solutions for our nation. The Growing Climate Solutions Act is an area of great potential, carbon sequestration of land through farming and other land management practices. The Act provides greater opportunities for farmers and foresters to participate in carbon markets. Like many other faith communities, my own Amish and Mennonite community has long connected our relationship with the land with our relationship with God, for God placed humans in the garden to “till and keep it.” (Genesis 2:15) Another translation of the Hebrew could be “serve and protect.” This act can move us towards restorative and proactive practices that more fully engage and heal our land, divine, and human relationships,” said Rev. Douglas Kaufman, Director of Pastoral Ecology at the Center for Sustainable Climate Solutions

“We are pleased Chairwoman Stabenow and Senator Braun have reintroduced the Growing Climate Solutions Act, and we appreciate the Senate Agriculture Committee’s leadership on this issue. America’s farmers and ranchers bear an outsize burden of the impacts of climate change, but they can also play an important role in addressing America’s greenhouse gas emissions. This bill is an important step to giving farmers, ranchers and foresters new tools to address climate. Citizens’ Climate Lobby applauds quick action on this legislation,” said Ben Pendergrass, Senior Director of Government Affairs at the Citizens Climate Lobby

“When our farmers, ranchers, and foresters go the extra mile to help reduce America’s carbon footprint, they should be rewarded, not penalized. The Growing Climate Solutions Act is exciting because it would allow valuable carbon credits to be harvested along with any crops farmed using climate-friendly practices. By normalizing how those credits can be sold on voluntary carbon credit markets, the GCSA also makes it easy for farms of all shapes and sizes to connect with and sell these credits to the scores of American companies and utilities that have committed to going carbon neutral but can’t do it alone. CRES commends Senators Braun, Stabenow, Graham and Whitehouse for their continued leadership on this legislation and for prioritizing commonsense clean energy and climate policy. The support for this legislation by a large, bipartisan group of senators—especially those hailing from the Midwest and across the Heartland—is a testament to the positive impact this bill will have on the men and women who give so much to feed, fuel and clothe us all,” said Heather Reams, Executive Director of Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions

“This legislation is the latest example of the growing bipartisan collaboration in Congress on climate. The surest way to make lasting progress on climate change is for both parties to come together and develop solutions that work for the American people. The GCSA offers a promising approach to partner with farmers and ranchers to reduce agricultural emissions,” said Greg Bertelsen, CEO of the Climate Leadership Council

“The Growing Climate Solutions Act is an important step in encouraging farmer and forest landowner participation in carbon markets. Having USDA enhance the legitimacy and transparency of carbon credits will improve and expand market participation, thereby providing a strong economic incentive for land use practices that contribute to efforts to address climate change.  ConservAmerica applauds lead sponsors Senators Mike Braun, Debbie Stabenow, Lindsey Graham, and Sheldon Whitehouse and their staffs for their hard work on this legislation, and we urge its swift passage,” said Jeff Kupfer, President of ConservAmerica

“Responsible stewardship of the land is a tradition that has been handed down through generations of American farmers. This important bill creates a system to further incentivize that tradition, helping farmers and forest landowners deliver on their promise for their children and grandchildren,” said John Bode, President and CEO of Corn Refiners Association

“Corteva Agriscience supports the Growing Climate Solutions Act, and we look forward to working with the Senate Agriculture Committee to advance this bill and similar proposals that are designed to support farmers, ranchers, and forest landowners in voluntary efforts to expand – and derive income from – climate smart practices,” said Anne Alonzo, Senior Vice President of External Affairs and Chief Sustainability Officer at Corteva Agriscience

“The Growing Climate Solutions Act gives farmers and landowners the tools to improve their land and profitability, while benefiting habitat for waterfowl and other wildlife. We thank Sen. Stabenow, Sen. Boozman and Sen. Braun for their leadership in spearheading this bipartisan legislation, and we look forward to additional scientific, voluntary and incentive-based proposals to guide our federal climate policy,” said Ducks Unlimited CEO Adam Putnam.

“The Ecosystem Services Market Consortium (ESMC) applauds the reintroduction of the Growing Climate Solutions Act. If passed, it will help farmers and ranchers better access voluntary ecosystem services markets that incentivize beneficial environmental outcomes for society and provide additional revenue streams for agricultural producers. Ecosystem services markets are an important tool in the fight against climate change and we hope the Growing Climate Solutions Act will help scale their use in agriculture to help the U.S. meet its global climate commitments. ESMC thanks Sens. Stabenow, Braun, and Boozman, as well as their staffs, for their tireless efforts to craft this legislation, which is an important, bipartisan step in the right direction,” said Debbie Reed, Executive Director of the Ecosystem Services Market Consortium (ESMC)

“Since the earliest biblical record (Genesis 2:15), Christians have been called to tend and care for God’s creation. Many of our nation’s farmers are practicing Christians who believe in this biblical calling but have found it difficult with falling incomes and low crop prices. The Growing Climate Solutions Act provides a way for the agriculture community–especially family farms–to increase income, enrich soil, sequester carbon, and empower American farmers as part of the climate solution. The Growing Climate Solutions Act establishes a Verifier Certification Program providing a uniform carbon measuring method that ensures farmers a fair price and an accountable carbon markets,” said Rev. Mitch Hescox, President of the Evangelical Environmental Network

“Climate change directly impacts the farmers, ranchers and forest owners who rely on a healthy environment to produce food and forest products. The Growing Climate Solutions Act would ensure agricultural producers and forest owners of all sizes looking to enter the carbon market for the first time have access to reliable information, qualified technical service providers and third-party verifiers. In addition, the bill establishes a robust USDA advisory council composed of farmers, scientists and other climate stakeholders. FACA would like to recognize Chairwoman Stabenow and Ranking Member Boozman for their work together to ensure producer representation on the advisory council,” said the Food and Agriculture Climate Alliance 

“Today, on Earth Day, we applaud Senators Stabenow, Braun, Graham, and Whitehouse and the broad and bipartisan list of co-sponsors for their leadership on the Growing Climate Solutions Act. Our ag communities are already eager to play a large role in reducing emissions nationwide and soil carbon sequestration expands this participation in our nation’s climate change strategy. The Growing Climate Solutions Act rightly rewards farmers for climate-smart practices and provides important guidelines for success,” said Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor

“We applaud Ag Committee leaders Senators Stabenow, Braun and Boozman on the release of the Growing Climate Solutions Act, an important step in helping farmers participate in maturing agricultural carbon markets. The GCSA can strengthen the existing voluntary carbon market by providing a USDA stamp of approval on high quality greenhouse gas (GHG) credit programs that provide incentives to farmers to participate in these markets. We look forward to advancing solutions alongside Congress for climate-smart agriculture to deliver on its potential and value for farmers, buyers, and the planet,” said Chris Harbourt, Global Head of Indigo Carbon.

“When governments invest in farmers, our communities and environment thrive. State department of agriculture leaders understand the central role agriculture serves in building climate resiliency and preserving our shared natural resources. NASDA is proud to support the Growing Climate Solutions Act, as it acknowledges and invests producers’ contribution to environmental sustainability and unites the industry around climate goals,” said Dr. Barb Glenn, CEO of the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture

“Climate change is an all-hands-on-deck crisis, and our working lands are critical to warding off the worst effects of a warming planet. This bill will help provide a better future for both people and wildlife by opening up opportunities for farmers, foresters, and ranchers to reduce emissions and increase revenues, while also improving the places that birds need to survive. While the fight against climate change will require the broad participation of all sectors, agricultural stewards are a critical part of the solution. The people who know the land best are the people that work it every day, and this bill presents sensible and bipartisan solutions to ensure a cleaner environment for us all,” said Sarah Greenberger, Senior Vice President for Conservation Policy of the National Audubon Society

“Corn farmers have been leaders in adopting conservation practices to improve the quality of soil, water, and air around our farms.  We are pleased to endorse the Growing Climate Solutions Act which would lay the groundwork for private agriculture carbon markets by authorizing USDA to certify credit verification services. This bipartisan effort recognizes agriculture’s role in combating climate change. NCGA thanks the Senators for their leadership and looks forward to working together to implement policy that benefits both the environment and farmers’ bottom line,” said John Linder, President of the National Corn Growers Association.

“The U.S. cotton industry fully supports this legislation which will direct USDA to provide producers with reliable information and remove technical barriers to participating in private carbon credit markets,” said Kent Fountain, Chairman of the National Cotton Council Chairman

“The Growing Climate Solutions Act is a critical step to breaking down barriers and providing certainty to farmer co-op members and other producers who want to participate in carbon markets. I would like to thank Senate Agriculture Committee Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) and Sen. Mike Braun (R-Ind.) for their leadership in reintroducing the bill with broad bipartisan support. If farmers are to be part of solving climate challenges they need to rely on proven science, accurate data and standardization to help us get there—this bill is an important step in that direction,” said Chuck Conner, President and CEO of the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives

“Recognizing the potential of climate-smart agriculture, a patchwork of carbon markets has sprung up to incentivize and reward such practices. However, there is currently no formal oversight of these markets or uniformity among them for criteria, payment rates, or measurement, which can make selecting the right one a confusing and overwhelming process. By creating a certification program, the Growing Climate Solutions Act would bring much-needed clarity and certainty to this burgeoning sector, thus making it easier for farmers to obtain the financial resources they need to invest in climate solutions. We welcome and support this important initiative and will continue working with the committee to leverage agriculture in our fight against the climate crisis,” said Rob Larew, President of the National Farmers Union

“Climate and New Ag is one of the most important issues that this Congress is addressing.  Growing Climate Solution Act is a major step towards providing farmers, and those who are considering growing hemp as America’s new natural resource and commodity crop, more reason to do so”, said Geoff Whaling, Chair of the National Hemp Association

“We commend Chairwoman Stabenow and Senator Braun for continuing their bipartisan leadership on the Growing Climate Solutions Act, which would encourage greater farmer participation in environmental markets. This legislation will enhance the proactive, sustainable initiatives dairy farmers are expanding as our sector strives to achieve carbon neutrality,” said Jim Mulhern, President and CEO of the National Milk Producers Federation

“As stewards of the land, U.S. potato growers are committed to advancing environmentally sustainable solutions that reduce the industry’s carbon footprint. We appreciate this bipartisan effort to recognize and support America’s farmers by developing voluntary, cost-effective, and economically sustainable practices through incentives that drive climate solutions,” said Dominic LaJoie, President of the National Potato Council

“Farmers are on the front lines mitigating and responding to the impacts of climate change while adapting and innovating to keep the lands they steward productive now and for future generations. We applaud members from both sides of the aisle who have come together to advance a bipartisan bill that will move the sustainability discussion forward in a meaningful way while ensuring farmers have a seat at the table as climate policy is crafted,” said Kody Carson, Chairman of the National Sorghum Producers.

“America’s farmers have a crucial role to play in addressing our changing climate and adopting climate-friendly practices that naturally sequester carbon. This bipartisan bill will help agricultural producers participate in voluntary carbon markets. Thank you to Senators Braun and Stabenow for their leadership in finding solutions that not only act on climate, but also work for farmers, ranchers, and forest owners alike,” said Aviva Glaser, Director of Agriculture Policy at the National Wildlife Federation

“We are proud to support the Growing Climate Solutions Act. As the world’s leading agricultural retailer and provider of crop inputs and services, we appreciate the role that the ag sector plays in finding solutions to address climate change. This bill ultimately would help facilitate farmers’ participation in carbon markets, rewarding them for good environmental stewardship while protecting our natural resources. We stand ready to work with Members of Congress and our farmer customers as this bill progresses,” said Brent Smith, Vice President of Marketing and Products at Nutrien

“S2G Ventures applauds Chairwoman Stabenow, Ranking Member Boozman, Senators Braun, Graham and Whitehouse and the other Senate co-sponsors for their leadership on the bipartisan Growing Climate Solutions Act of 2021. As one of the most active investors in innovative and sustainable food and agriculture start-ups, we see this legislation as a critical step in unlocking the potential of carbon markets by creating opportunities for innovators to bring cutting edge ag tech tools to farmers and ranchers so they can better measure and maximize revenue from their positive impact. On behalf of our companies and in support of the thousands of small farms, ranch and agricultural businesses across the country, we urge the quick passage of the Growing Climate Solutions Act of 2021,” said Sanjeev Krishnan, Chief Investment Officer and Managing Director of S2G Ventures 

“The Sustainable Food Policy Alliance commends Chairwoman Stabenow, Ranking Member Boozman, Senators Braun, Graham and Whitehouse and the other Senate co-sponsors of the Growing Climate Solutions Act of 2021 for their leadership in advancing bipartisan legislation that uses incentives, common metrics, and quantification tools to reduce emissions and transition to low-carbon alternatives while also providing an opportunity to create value for farmers, ranchers, and others who are implementing leading edge practices to cut greenhouse gas emissions. We look forward to working with the Senators and others who are working on the creation of these types of programs that can pave the way for the agricultural supply chain to continue reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and capacity and embrace ambitious and innovative solutions to address the climate crisis,” said the Sustainable Food Policy Alliance, made up of Danone North America, Mars, Incorporated, Nestlé USA, and Unilever United States

“The U.S. Chamber of Commerce applauds Senators Stabenow, Braun, Boozman, and the other bipartisan cosponsors of the Growing Climate Solutions Act. Through its innovative framework that rewards farmers and other land managers for taking voluntary actions to reduce emissions, this legislation would facilitate a new, cost-effective option for addressing climate change. Promoting responsible resource management through financial incentives for conservation and sustainable land-use practices is a win-win policy that will benefit American agriculture, their supply chain, and the broader business community as well as the environment. It is also consistent with the business community’s priorities for flexible, market-based solutions, and we look forward to working with Congress to help it become law,” said Marty Durbin, Senior Vice President for Policy at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce

“AFBF welcomes the introduction of the Growing Climate Solutions Act, which builds on the strong foundation of environmental stewardship in American agriculture by providing more clarity and guidance for farmers and ranchers as they explore or expand participation in carbon markets. This bill is evidence lawmakers can come together in a bipartisan manner to find solutions to environmental challenges while respecting the role of farmers and ranchers as they feed families around the globe. I commend Sens. Stabenow (D-Mich.) and Braun (R-Ind.) for working with Ranking Member Boozman (R-Ark.) to introduce an improved Growing Climate Solutions Act,” said Zippy Duvall, President of the American Farm Bureau Federation.

“The Growing Climate Solutions Act is the first major piece of bipartisan legislation to help ensure farmers, ranchers and foresters benefit from reducing their greenhouse gas emissions and building climate resilience. Agriculture has a great opportunity to measurably contribute to climate solutions, from cutting emissions of nitrous oxide, methane and carbon dioxide, to storing carbon. EDF commends the bill’s co-sponsors for seeing this potential and paving the way for farmers to be part of the solution,” said Elizabeth Gore, Senior Vice President of Political Affairs at Environmental Defense Fund.

“Passage of the Growing Climate Solutions Act would be a big win for agriculture, conservation and the climate. Farmers, ranchers and forest landowners are critical to helping combat climate change, but they need a straightforward way to tap revenue streams for implementing climate-friendly practices. This bill would help ensure producers are recognized and rewarded for the role they play. We are grateful to the sponsors for working across the aisle to support natural climate solutions and address the climate challenge,” said Lynn Scarlett, Chief External Affairs Officer, The Nature Conservancy.

“Farmers, at their core, are businessmen, but they are also conservationists and they are also environmentalists. Farmers want to do the right thing for their farms, their ranches, so that they can sustain those operations, not just over their lifetime, but over generations. This Act gives us the opportunity to do those things and have some guidance and direction in what practices are good for the environment and there is an economic benefit for doing those particular things,” said Brent Bible, Indiana corn and soybean farmer

“McDonald’s is committed to working collaboratively with our suppliers and agricultural producers to achieve our science-based climate commitments. The Growing Climate Solutions Act takes important steps toward supporting voluntary carbon credit markets that enhance assistance for farmers and ranchers that use climate smart agricultural practices.  We advocate for incentives, recognition and rewards for agriculture operations that quantifiably deliver positive environmental impacts and foster agricultures unique ability to act as a climate solution.  McDonald’s appreciates Senators Braun and Stabenow’s leadership to introduce common sense climate policy that benefits both agriculture producers and the environment,” said Marion Gross, McDonald’s Chief Supply Chain Officer, North America.

“Families and individuals, who make up 36% of US forests, are already making an essential contribution toward mitigating climate change, but with appropriate incentives—could double the amount of carbon sequestered. We are extremely grateful to Senators Stabenow and Braun for advancing bipartisan legislation that helps remove the technical barriers for market entry to perform sustainable management practices that provide additional climate benefits,” said Tom Martin, President and CEO of the American Forest Foundation.

“The reintroduction of the Growing Climate Solutions Act continues bipartisan leadership and momentum to support voluntary approaches to help producers participate in new marketplace opportunities. This legislation is an important step toward developing the building blocks for supporting ecosystem markets and establishing stewardship as a viable revenue stream for producers, and we look forward to continuing to support the Committee as the bill moves forward,” said Jason Weller, President of President of Truterra, LLC, the sustainability business and subsidiary of Land O’Lakes, Inc.

“The bipartisan Growing Climate Solutions Act recognizes farmers, agribusinesses and rural communities as key allies in the fight against climate change. Our agriculture sector brings the cutting-edge technology and entrepreneurial spirit needed to help tackle this historic challenge. We appreciate Senator Debbie Stabenow and Senator Mike Braun for leading a bipartisan proposal to reward agricultural innovation, amplify climate solutions that start on America’s farms, and spark new market opportunities for agriculture,” said Chuck Lippstreu, President of the Michigan Agri-Business Association.

“The Growing Climate Solutions Act will help private forest owners of all sizes to deliver carbon mitigation benefits at scale. This climate-smart legislation will empower the USDA to act as a catalyst for maximizing the carbon benefits of private working forests. The bill creates the opportunity for USDA to reduce barriers to participation, leverage technology to reduce costs, and improve efficiency while maintaining rigor for carbon sequestration outcomes,” said Dave Tenny, President & CEO of the National Alliance of Forest Owners.

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